Saturday, November 21, 2009

Catching Up

There's hope for me after all!

Not on the job front, although my interviewer will call back next week to tell me if I've been chosen. Did it go well? They always do. And I always get a good feeling. I've learned to ignore those feelings. I keep my hopes down so they don't get injured when they fall again.

I finished those three hats. I still have two to make for a co-worker, but she never brought in the yarn she wants me to use.

I'm almost done the sleeves for my sister's sweater. I had to buy another ball of Homespun last night. When I first read the pattern, I thought it said I'd only need two balls. Now I know to read the fine print! We're on ball #4. I've also started her red hat and black-and-red wristwarmers. She's also getting a pair of wristwarmers that'll match the hat (done in Homespun that my mom gave me to knit with).

Last night my dad and I went to a convenience store to buy a lottery ticket (we didn't win). As we were walking back to the car I must've stepped in something ... something bad. Needless to say, the poo was all over my green shoes. I had to throw them out. Now I'm down to six pairs (one is winter boots, one is my work shoes, one is sneakers [yay] and the other three are fancy). It's time to go shopping, I suppose. I hate buying shoes and jeans.

When I was out shopping for more yarn last night, I impulsively bought five colours of Vanna's Choice so I can knit the Fair Isle Tam (it's for a KAL on the Paton's blog). I'll take pictures and update in a few days.

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