Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Start Again

Well, I got the job at the "local coffee shop". I am their new afternoon baker, except for Wednesdays. They knew perfectly well when they hired me that I have a commitment every Wednesday evening an hour away. I am leaving my shift today (which is usually 11am to 7pm) at 5pm, 5:30 at the very latest. I can't wait for my education to finally come through for me!

My dad hasn't found anything yet. He's being more careful after the last job fiasco. At least he only wasted two days.

So it's really hot here right now. We don't have an air-conditioned apartment or car, but we do have a large fan and Dad finally remembered the small window air-conditioner in the closet, which he promptly installed into his room. I can sleep no matter how hot it is, but no one else can handle this heat. My mom and step-dad had to have their furnace replaced due to a flood three weeks ago, and they now have air-conditioning in their home.

My only setback is my knitting. I haven't bought yarn (or anything else) for about a month. Every time I go into the department stores with other people ('cause I certainly won't go alone) I have to avoid the yarn sections. I don't need any; I have too many projects I need to finish. It's still very tempting, though ....

Well, I'm off to work, where I will microwave donuts and bagels and get covered in glaze again.

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