Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jump In, The Water's Perfect

Out with the old ...

... and in with the new:

(This is the first picture taken with the new camera.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pretty Fruit

Last night I made smoothies with my boyfriend.  I couldn't resist borrowing his camera though:

Okay, there were also raspberries, strawberries, and banana in our smoothies.  Yummeh.

And I'm in a knitting slump, not made any better by forcing myself to knit.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Food Fail!

Apparently there's a huge difference between black bean sauce and paste.  Well, at least I now know what not to buy.  The sauce isn't that nice sweet stuff at the Vietnamese restaurants at which I'm always eating.

Now excuse me while I eat my plain sticky white rice.