Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Search is Still On

My dad had an interview last week, and was called again for a second interview. That happened to me twice. The first time, I didn't end up getting the job. The second, well, I got it ... but I'm not satisfied. See, I wasn't aware that it was part-time until well into the second interview. I've given it a chance, but I can't afford it. The issue isn't with the minimum wage, it's with the number of hours.

When I worked at a "local coffee shop" a couple of years ago, I worked full-time (up to 45 hours weekly) for minimum wage. This new bagel job gives me a maximum of 28 hours weekly, which I haven't reached yet. This week may be the closest I get to that (26 hours). I like the work, I like the shift, but I can't pay my bills.

Solution: Find another part-time job. Easier said than done. Therefore, find a full-time job and quit this new job that I've barely had for a month. Fine, I'll tell them I won the lottery. (True; I won a free ticket, but they don't need to know the specifics.)

So, I've applied to another "local coffee shop". I may be back where I started, but at least I'll be bringing in enough cash to support myself and my yarn habit until I find the perfect job.

In the meantime, I'll do my 6am shift tomorrow and deal with my first poison ivy rash.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Murphy's Law

As it happens, the day after my last (or rather, first) blog I got a call back. I am now employed as a bagel maker at a local supermarket. It's a part-time gig at minimum wage, so my job search is not over.

Today my dad (who is also unemployed) and I went to an "open house" at a personnel agency. I'll not mention the name; it doesn't matter, really, as they're all the same.

I was under the impression that an "open house" was like a mass job hunt. I figured that we would walk in there and leave with a new career. Not so! Instead, we were told to fill out countless forms and suffer through an interview. I went first. My mistake (or fortune, depending) was mentioning that I had a part-time job. Instantly, the lady I was speaking with told me that they could not help me. They only deal out full-time jobs, but I could call back if I see something on their website that I liked. Whew. Glad I asked.

My dad, meanwhile, was filling out some papers. When he was finished, the same lady started grilling him about his work experience. She wanted to know why he had no dates on his resume (it's because of possible ageism). She told him that any experience he had that was more than 10 years old was irrelevant, which isn't true. There's only one way to refine gold: fire it.

Finally, after all that, she asked him what his wage expectations were. He gave her a number (which I think is reasonable; can you really ask someone in their fifties if they'll work for minimum wage?) She promptly said that they have no jobs for him. Wasted an hour, we did.

My conclusion: these personnel agencies, funded by the government and put there to find me a job, are all a front. I think that all they have to do is get people to fill out the paperwork and the government pays them. They aren't actually required to find or give me a job! Pointless!

Rant over.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

First Time For Everything

I've never had a blog before. I imagine that lots of people will read this, but the truth is, I'll be the only one.

I will be documenting my journey on the road of job-hunting. I've been travelling this path for two months with no success. To date, I've had a total of six interviews with three different potential employers. I just had two today. One was for bakery and the other for reception. I should get a call sometime next week. Don't they always say that?

I hate interviews. They always ask the same questions. Is there a template or something? My least favourite: "Why should we hire you?" I just need a job!