Saturday, March 1, 2025

End of February Update

 WIPs (new ones are bolded)

Ten Stitch Blanket, Caron Cakes (started 2019)
Walter's Blanket, Lion Brand Mandala Sparkle (Started July 16, 2024)
Bright Stripes Throw, Caron Anniversary Cakes (Started September 5, 2024)
Musselburgh II, Hedgehog Fibres Sock (Started October 6, 2024) - Car knitting!
Back to Basics: Socks (DK), H&W Comfort-Wolle Sockenwolle Comfort 8-fach Color
Winter Ribbed Scarf, Caron Cinnamon Swirl Cakes
Cable Car Coat, Bernat Chunky Solids (Bulky) (Started February 6, 2025)
Mini Mania Scarf II, leftover fingering-weight yarns (Started February 18, 2025)
Musselburgh for RAM, Mary Maxim Merino (Started February 19, 2025)


Dancing Bees MKAL, Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace (started 2015 - oops)

End of month yarn stats:  61 entries, 90 skeins, 28391.10 yards, 9027 grams.

Okay, first month down.  Man, January was such a long year.  Anyways.

I did pretty well, considering its weirdness.  I didn't buy yarn and I finished Oranje completely!

I'm trying to remember to incorporate using the planner in my daily/weekly routines, so habit is building.  I did frog a hibernating project because I've realized that my gauge is much larger and I'll have to drop down two needle sizes.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) the needle I need is in use.  Guess I'll have to finish the Musselburgh.

I did destash a couple of partial skeins of yarn - wasn't going to use them.

February goals:

1.  Buy a little bit of yarn if it feels right (will likely be going to Handknit next Saturday).
2.  Maybe think about honing (ha!) those knife-sharpening skills?  Scrape a reed, perhaps?
3.  Finish the Musselburgh hat for my husband to wear.  He's getting cold ears. (And I want that needle.)
4.  Survive.

February.  WTF.

I did buy yarn, though not at Handknit, but at Mary Maxim's right before the massive snowstorm on the Family Day weekend.  And some gift yarn for a friend.

Here's the yarn I bought for me:

And the yarn I bought for the gift is Paton's Canadiana in pink and purple.  Pretty sure I'd just destashed some of that last month, too (oops).

March goals:

1.  No yarn (do I say that every month?) unless there's a really, really good reason!
2.  Finish the fourth Musselburgh.
3.  Work on the Cable Car Coat.
4.  Survive.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Snowy Afternoon

 I'm watching my son play at an indoor playground.

Watching isn't quite accurate.  It's more like catching glimpses of him every few minutes as he tears through the playground, running and jumping and having the time of his life.

I sit here knitting and wondering what this playground looks like to him.  Is it a jungle or a maze?  Is it an abandoned warehouse?  Is he in a video game, and this is one of the challenging levels?

I watch other kids running through, laughing and screaming at each other, at nothing, at everything.  One small boy wanders by me, looking around.  I think he's looking for his parent - oh, he found someone.  All good.

Knitting and catching brief glimpses of my son.  It's quite loud in here.  There's a snowstorm outside.

He comes to the table for a drink.  He's gone again already, back into the structure that I wish I had the mobility and imagination to tackle again.

I hear the rallying cry of 'PIZZA' and a small group of children emerges from the depths and stampedes towards one of the party rooms.

I watch other parents and overhear pieces of conversation.  "The twins hate bedtime.  By the time they're down, it's time for me to go to bed."  "My daughter's enrolled in soccer before and I think we'll try it again this year."  "Have you tried different diapers for your newest?"  "Hey, don't hit other kids!"

Mayhem.  But winter is a hard time to get the exercise in, so we do what we have to for the littles.  We stay for over an hour and my son isn't even tired when we leave.  But he's had fun.

Friday, February 14, 2025

February Thought

 Time has a nasty habit of marching forward, completely disregarding our feelings, emotions, and circumstances.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Cable Coat


See this?  I knit this in 2010.  My goodness, my gauge was horrendous and super loose.  My blocking skills left a lot to be desired, and my seaming skills were rough, to say the least.

So, now it looks like this:

I just have one sleeve left to frog and then I can begin knitting it again.  I'm curious to see what the differences will be - I have 15 years of experience gained since then! 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

End of January 2025 Update

WIPs (new ones are bolded)

Ten Stitch Blanket, Caron Cakes (started 2019)
Walter's Blanket, Lion Brand Mandala Sparkle (Started July 16, 2024)
Bright Stripes Throw, Caron Anniversary Cakes (Started September 5, 2024)
Musselburgh II, Hedgehog Fibres Sock (Started October 6, 2024) - Car knitting!
Oranje, Estelle Yarns Andean Heathers (started 2017, frogged and restarted on smaller needles 2024)
Flax worsted, Bernat Super Value (started January 5, finished January 20)
Noro Striped Scarf, Noro Kureyon
Back to Basics: Socks (DK), H&W Comfort-Wolle Sockenwolle Comfort 8-fach Color
Winter Ribbed Scarf, Caron Cinnamon Swirl Cakes


Dancing Bees MKAL, Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace (started 2015 - oops)
Havannah, Sublime Yarns Eden DK (Started  July 16, 2024) FROGGED (wrong gauge)

End of month yarn stats:  56 entries, 79 skeins, 25282.60 yards.

"My main goal for 2024 is to finish two of the hibernating projects and three of the current WIPs."

Remember that?  From last December?  I did it! (Sort of.  Does frogging count?  Probably not.  In which case, I didn't do it for the hibernating projects.)

I did buy yarn that wasn't for the gift, but the recipient asked nicely and I didn't have the appropriate colour in my stash.  I also bought yarn for a little guy who wants another sweater.  I haven't done any stashbusting projects, but that's because I've been working on Oranje exclusively!  I've completed the sleeves and I've joined them to the body and I'm almost at the colourwork part of the yoke.

So here we are, end of year, and I've been consistent each month.  I can do this.  I will do this.  My goal for 2025 is to refine my stash further.  I have a lot of stashed yarn from years ago and I want to finally use it.

And for January, the mini-goals:

1.  Finish Oranje - the knitting part.  I'm sure I'll stall out on the sewing, blocking, and steeking.
2.  Sharpen that reed knife and work on some reeds.  It'll never happen if I procrastinate.
3.  Use the planner my friends got me.  I failed horribly at using 2024's weekly planner and I still feel bad about it.
4.  No yarn!  (Unless a trip to a new yarn store happens.)

Okay, first month down.  Man, January was such a long year.  Anyways.

I did pretty well, considering its weirdness.  I didn't buy yarn and I finished Oranje completely!

I'm trying to remember to incorporate using the planner in my daily/weekly routines, so habit is building.  I did frog a hibernating project because I've realized that my gauge is much larger and I'll have to drop down two needle sizes.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) the needle I need is in use.  Guess I'll have to finish the Musselburgh.

I did destash a couple of partial skeins of yarn - wasn't going to use them.

February goals:

1.  Buy a little bit of yarn if it feels right (will likely be going to Handknit next Saturday).
2.  Maybe think about honing (ha!) those knife-sharpening skills?  Scrape a reed, perhaps?
3.  Finish the Musselburgh hat for my husband to wear.  He's getting cold ears. (And I want that needle.)
4.  Survive.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End of December Update

 WIPs (new ones are bolded)

Ten Stitch Blanket, Caron Cakes (started 2019)
Walter's Blanket, Lion Brand Mandala Sparkle (Started July 16, 2024)
Bright Stripes Throw, Caron Anniversary Cakes (Started September 5, 2024)
Musselburgh II, Hedgehog Fibres Sock (Started October 6, 2024) - Car knitting!
Orchard Harvest Beanie, Lion Brand Heartland (Started December 2, 2024 - finished December 7, 2024)
Orchard Harvest Beanie, Lion Brand Heartland (Started December 7, 2024 - finished December 9, 2024)
Oranje, Estelle Yarns Andean Heathers (started 2017, frogged and restarted on smaller needles 2024)

Dancing Bees MKAL, Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace (started 2015 - oops)
Havannah, Sublime Yarns Eden DK (Started  July 16, 2024)

End of month yarn stats:  64 entries, 91.16 skeins, 28104.90 yards.

Well, look at that.  I sort of made my goals this month.  I sharpened the knife, but it still needs more.  I also finished the cowl!

December's goals:

1.  Survive December mentally.  There's a lot going on (playing in two concerts, one work party, bunch of work extra stuff).
2.  Only buy the yarn required for the gift.
3.  Sharpen the knife more.
4.  Finish a couple of small stashbusting projects and bring out Oranje to work on exclusively.

"My main goal for 2024 is to finish two of the hibernating projects and three of the current WIPs."

Remember that?  From last December?  I did it! (Sort of.  Does frogging count?  Probably not.  In which case, I didn't do it for the hibernating projects.)

I did buy yarn that wasn't for the gift, but the recipient asked nicely and I didn't have the appropriate colour in my stash.  I also bought yarn for a little guy who wants another sweater.  I haven't done any stashbusting projects, but that's because I've been working on Oranje exclusively!  I've completed the sleeves and I've joined them to the body and I'm almost at the colourwork part of the yoke.

So here we are, end of year, and I've been consistent each month.  I can do this.  I will do this.  My goal for 2025 is to refine my stash further.  I have a lot of stashed yarn from years ago and I want to finally use it.  Here's my stash (minus one laceweight ball):

And for January, the mini-goals:

1.  Finish Oranje - the knitting part.  I'm sure I'll stall out on the sewing, blocking, and steeking.
2.  Sharpen that reed knife and work on some reeds.  It'll never happen if I procrastinate.
3.  Use the planner my friends got me.  I failed horribly at using 2024's weekly planner and I still feel bad about it.
4.  No yarn!  (Unless a trip to a new yarn store happens.)

Sunday, December 1, 2024

End of November Update

 WIPs (new ones are bolded)

Ten Stitch Blanket, Caron Cakes (started 2019)
Walter's Blanket, Lion Brand Mandala Sparkle (Started July 16, 2024)
Bright Stripes Throw, Caron Anniversary Cakes (Started September 5, 2024)
Slumber Cowl, Madelinetosh DK (Started September 28, 2024)
Musselburgh II, Hedgehog Fibres Sock (Started October 6, 2024) - Car knitting!


Dancing Bees MKAL, Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace (started 2015 - oops)
Havannah, Sublime Yarns Eden DK (Started  July 16, 2024)
Oranje, Estelle Yarns Andean Heathers (started 2017, frogged and restarted on smaller needles 2024)

End of month yarn stats:  61 entries, 90.5 skeins, 27838.90 yards.

Hey, I finished three things!  I did buy yarn, though, but Walter wants me to knit him grey socks.  And then we saw the glow-in-the-dark chenille yarn.  But other than that, nada!  And my total yardage went down (by not a lot, haha).  Please, no one talk about the camping stuff.  I just added it to my phone, so there's hope for November.

Here are November's goals:

1.  Y'know that camping stuff still in my car?  I'm going to put it away.
2.  While I'd love to make a goal to finish the cowl, I'm not going to risk hurting my wrist too much before the Christmas concerts.  My goal instead is to get to the third ball needed for the cowl (there are four balls).
3.  Don't.  Buy.  Yarn.
4.  Maybe I should add 'sharpen reed knife' to my phone, too.  Okay, it's in there.  That's the goal.

Well, look at that.  I sort of made my goals this month.  I sharpened the knife, but it still needs more.  I also finished the cowl!

December's goals:

1.  Survive December mentally.  There's a lot going on (playing in two concerts, one work party, bunch of work extra stuff).
2.  Only buy the yarn required for the gift.
3.  Sharpen the knife more.
4.  Finish a couple of small stashbusting projects and bring out Oranje to work on exclusively.